2024 Ham Radio Special Events 
HamNation HAM RADIO'S PREMIER WEEKLY TV SHOW!! Share in the excitement and importance of Ham Radio — from tossing an antenna wire into a tree allowing you to talk to the world, to the importance of ham radio operators in time of disasters — with hosts Bob Heil, Gordon West, George Thomas, Don Wilbanks, Valerie Hotzfeld, Amanda Alden, and Dale Puckett. HamNation now streams live on YouTube on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel.
Do you have a Roku TV Box? Click on Roku's YouTube app to watch currently-streaming HamNation shows. Looking for past episodes? Click HERE to add the TWiT Channel to your Roku, where you can watch past archived episodes of HamNation produced by TWiT-TV, or on your computer online via the Internet by going to https://twit.tv/shows/ham-nation. JANUARY 20, 2024 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the TSaturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, February 17, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. FEBRUARY 17 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, March 16, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. MARCH 16 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, April 20, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. WIN SYSTEM MONTHLY BREAKFAST MEETING  THE WIN SYSTEM invites members and friends to its monthly breakfast at the Hometown Buffet, 1008 17th Street, Santa Ana, California 92701. Click HERE to see the yummy Hometown Buffet breakfast menu and price list! Breakfasts are held on the third Saturday of every month at 9:00 AM. Click HERE for a map and directions to the Hometown Buffet in Santa Ana, California. You lost? Call 714-541-3020 for help. For more information on the WIN System and it's unique linked ham radio repeater system, please visit www.winsystem.org. MONTHLY $5.00 HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing dates are listed below. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. 
2024 Ham Radio Class Schedule 

FREE ZOOM HAM RADIO CLASSES Have you been looking for a place to learn Amateur Radio and get prepared to take your examination for a Technician Class License or General Class License? Well, look no further. The West End Amateur Radio Group is online on Zoom!
We go over every question in the Exam Pool. It’s not just a Q&A “Ham Cram” course! The instructors have “live” and recorded demonstrations and explanations. We teach Ham Radio! We also provide online examinations from the comfort of your home with W5YI-VEC! and www.HamStudy.org 
Let Us Be Your “Elmer!” What is an "Elmer," you might ask? He or she is a mentor, a friend, a "seasoned" ham radio operator, who can assist you in finding the answers you may be looking for to become a competent radio operator yourself. It's a way for those of us who have been ham radio afficionados for a while to help our fellow hams by "paying it forward." We are fully supported by Gordon West who drops in from time-to-time to share words of wisdom and encouragement. For more information on ham radio courses being offered and to enroll, check out http://GaryRJohnson.org or email us at: AA6GJ@arrl.net. Also, check out previously recorded courses on our website: http://GaryRJohnson.org
SELF STUDY? $5.00 Monthly In-Person Testing Long Beach, California Location Only JANUARY 20, 2024 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the TSaturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, February 17, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. FEBRUARY 17 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, March 16, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. MARCH 16 • MONTHLY HAM RADIO LICENSE TESTING  ARALB - THE ASSOCIATED RADIO AMATEURS OF LONG BEACH provides amateur radio testing for $5.00 on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for those of you, who like to study on your own. Next testing date is Saturday, April 20, 2024. The test location is at the The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3824 Woodruff Avenue, Long Beach CA 90808 (behind the Dental Building). Click HERE for a map & directions. Pre-registration is recommended through Louise Chapman, N6ELK, at 562-429-1355 or send an email to . When you pre-register, your GLAARG Form 605X will be ready for you to sign when you come in to take your test. 
Get Your Amateur Radio License In 2024!
Annual ARRL Field Day • June 26 & 27, 2010 Santa Ana, California Fire Dept Training Facility GORDO'S RADIO TRAINING BOOKS & SOFTWARE 2024 Training Resources
Latest Gordon West Training Resources From Ham Radio Outlet! 
Order Online at www.hamradio.com Amateur Radio License Preparation Books & Software • Commercial Radio License Study Books & Materials Books on CDROM For Computer / MP3 Players • Morse Code Tools & Software on CDROM Books with Practice Exam Software • Educational Electronic Books Click HERE To Jump To Gordo's Training Materials Page 
Gordo's Technician License Graduating Class May 23, 2010 Santa Ana, California Fire Dept Training Facility TECHNICIAN, GENERAL, & EXTRA CLASS AMATEUR LICENSES Technician, General, and Extra Class license upgrade classes are held regularly throughout the year. Click HERE for class dates and locations. Free instruction from "Gordo-Approved Ham Instructors." Study materials are usually $99 to $125 plus a $15 testing fee. Final exams are held on Sunday afternoons. Remember... You must hold a TECHNICIAN license to take the GENERAL upgrade class and hold a GENERAL class license to upgrade to EXTRA. New classes will be posted soon. In the meantime, click HERE to read a special message from Gordo regarding upcoming classes.  2024 MARINE RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE CLASS
GORDO'S MARINE RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE CLASS was last held on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at the Orange Coast College of Sailing in Newport Beach, California. Classes are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, with lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Personalized instruction from Gordo. Materials and Gordo's Study Notes $99 plus $35 test fee. When you pass your exam, you will have the full priveledges of the MROP -- the FCC's Commercial Marine Radio Operator Permit! To register for this commercial radio class, please click HERE or visit www.occsailing.com for more information. Pre-registration is required well before class time! Call Gordon West at 714-549-5000 Monday-Thursday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM to reserve your space today!
I am happy to talk with you on the phone to help plan your upcoming adventure with ham radio onboard. I am available Monday through Thursday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, California time, at 714/549-5000. THIS IS A FREE SERVICE! I have quite a library of past magazine articles on specific technical areas aboard boats and in RVs, and I am happy to share these articles with you once I better understand your upcoming travel plans. Fifteen to 20 minutes is the normal time for this free service, and I always look forward to hearing from my students during the day on the phone. Due to the volume of e-mail I receive from students throughout the world, phoning home is a quicker way to get started with your mobile communications plan. 